Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Birthday Party

Labor Day weekend we had my birthday party at the pool. I had lots of friends from school and DCDC, and my family and other friends to help me celebrate. The weather was perfect, and there was a lot of swimming. At the end of the party we had cupcakes and opened presents...and I got a new bike! It was a very exciting day, and now I am SEVEN!

Other Friends at My Party

There were lots of people here to celebrate my birthday. Just to name a few, the Warren Family, Dodi, Cuddie, Kathryn, Traci and Kathy Burns, the Holomans, The Fords, The Thornes and the parents and brothers and sisters of lots of my school friends, too. So many of my parent's friends have babies, so the baby pool was hopping!

Cake Time!

We opted for sprinkle cupcakes for the party, and man were they good. Just what we all needed, a sticky sugar rush!

Opening Gifts

I received so many fun presents, lots of "kits" for making belts, watch bands, and even a silk screen kit. I love my iDog and my Barbie and Polly Pockets, too!

Diving Board

We had lots of fun going off the diving board at the party, even Mr. Holoman got in on the action with his speacialty "The Chipmunk." He gets some serious air!

First Day of Second Grade

I have started second grade! Here are a few photos from my first day of school, check me out!

The first picture is of me and Drew and Cameron at the house, the second is of me with my very best friend Ansley in front of school. We aren't in the same class this year, but we will still play on the playground together. The last two pictures are of my whole family and then me saying goodbye to my baby brother at the classroom door.